Minutes of Meeting

1). To value and ensure dignity of every Indian Medical graduate of our Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital.
2). Provide a safe academic and social environment for both residential and non-residential Indian Medical graduate of our institution throughout their course.
3). The Committee aims to ensure a Ragging free campus and also to enable camaraderie among students in the Campus.

Team Members

1.Dr. Ganesan Muruga Perumal Prof. & HOD of Anatomy - Member Secretary
2.Dr. V. PadmaProf. of General Medicine - Member
3.Dr. Krishnaveni SharathAssoc. Prof. of Anatomy - Member
4.Dr. G.S. PrabudossProf. of Surgical Gastaero entrology - Member
5.Dr. K. SumathiAssociate Prof. of Biochemistry - Member
6.Dr. K. DineshAssoc. Prof. of Microbiology - Member
7.Mrs. Vinothini Monika AdaikalamHR Head - Member
8.Dr. W.M.S. Johnson, MD, PhD Dean
9.Dr. R. ArchanaAssoc. Prof. of Anatomy
10.Dr. Natarajan Suresh, MD Assoc. Prof. of Pathology & Nodal officer, Anti Ragging Cell
11.Dr. Aishwarya J Ramalingam, MD Assoc.Prof. of Microbiology
12.Dr. M. R. Renuka Devi, MDProf. & HOD of Physiology
13.Dr. T. Ragupathy, MSProfessor of General Surgery
14.Dr. R. Umadevi, MD Prof. & HOD of Comm.Medicine

Anti Ragging Cell

Anti Ragging squard

Minutes Of Meeting

Anti ragging Committee2024202320222021202020192018
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