About the Department
Blood transfusion services are essential for medical health care systems. Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital hosts an in-house blood bank facility with 24×7 services. It is equipped with all the state-of-the-art technologies and highly trained faculties, essential for various processes including screening and cross-matching of various blood groups. Blood bank facilitates provision of safe and effective blood and blood products, according individual patient’s needs and convenience. Blood components always available include: Red blood cells, Fresh Frozen Plasma, Frozen Plasma and Platelet concentrates. Blood components available in emergency include: Cryoprecipitate and Platelet rich plasma. To ensure the safety of both donors and recipients, strict quality control measures and standardised criteria are followed rigorously. Equipments are monitored regularly to ensure they remain in proper functioning condition. Reagents are tested for their specificity and sensitivity. All the details of the donors, recipients, procedures performed, safety measures and quality control are documented through thorough record-keeping. The blood bank is maintained by adequate personnel with education, training and experience, who ensure competent performances. Provisions are present for orientation and training for newly hired recruits; as well as for updating the existing staff with recent updates and developments in the field of transfusion services. The staffs are also educated regarding adverse effects of transfusion, including blood borne infections and the essential strategies to prevent and handle such events. Safety of all involved parties is of utmost importance.