Minutes of Meeting

SBMCII constituted a Condemnation Committee for carrying out the activities of condemnation of materials/equipments/instruments/ electrical items/furniture etc. of both college & hospital & it has to take decision of disposal of unused items in hospital and college

Team Members

SI.NOFor HospitalFor College
1.Dr. P. Sasikumar, Medical Superintendent Dr. M.R. Renuka Devi -Vice Principal, Dr. R. Umadevi. Professor of Community
2.Dr. D. Manoharan, Dy. Med. Superintendent
Dr.R.Umadevi, Professor of Community Medicine
3.Dr. K. Kuberan, Professor of General SurgeryDr. K. Prabu, Asso.Prof of Anatomy
4.Dr. S. Suresh Kanna, Asso Prof of Gen.Med.Dr. Natarajan Suresh, Asso.Prof of Pathology
5.Mrs. K. Senthamizhselvi, Nursing SupdtDr. A. Anbu Masilamani,
Bio Medical Engineer
6.Mrs. T.R.Sujatha, Dy Nursing Supdt,Mr. Rajagopal, Store keeper
7.Mr. Parthiban R Mr. T. Selvarasu &
Mr. R. Dhananjeyan
8.Mr. B. Ramamoorthy-Store keeper
9.Mr. Vairamuthu, Electrical Engineer
10.Mr. Sekar, House keeping incharge

Minutes Of Meeting

Condemnation Board Committee Minutes2024202320222021
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