Department of Anatomy

About the Department / Program

At Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, the department of anatomy was established. In order to enhance the clinical skills and research aptitudes of postgraduate and undergraduate students while also ensuring their entire development, our goal has been to place an emphasis on their training. Histogenesis, morphology, morphometry, comparative anatomy, clinical anatomy, and neurocognitive science are the main topics of research.
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Our Mission

The mission is to excel as a center of student centric learning, preparing students for academic pursuits, medical professional training, extending frontiers of knowledge through relevant interdisciplinary research, fostering an intellectual culture that bridges basic science and clinical medicine, contributing to the enhancement of health of humanity.

Our Vision

The vision is to impart comprehensive knowledge of the gross, microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a foundation, for understanding the anatomical basis of various clinical conditions and to promote research.


3D virtual cadaver

Break through phenomena  bringing about Excellence in Human Anatomy Education

Sree Balaji Medical College  Hospital is the First Institution in Tamilnadu to establish Virtual dissection for students . The
Department of Anatomy is equipped with 3D virtual cadaver dissection table. that allows the students to dissect
the cadaver virtually and visualize every structure of the body’s anatomy in great detail. The Students can visualize
the human anatomy as they would on a fresh cadaver. It allows medical students to explore virtually full-sized
human bodies in a way once only accessible through traditional cadaver dissection. You can use your finger like a
scalpel to dissect any direction and depth to reveal anatomical features in vivid detail.


Current Academic Program: In the academic year 2020-21 following courses are being offered: UG Program, viz., MBBS and AHS,. Non Semester System: Non Semester system is followed in all of the academic program in order to enlarge curricular space and encourage more learning opportunities. Moreover, the latter enhances the ability to accommodate diverse choices that dynamic and motivated students may like to have

Student Achievements

S.NoDateStudent NameTopicAwardsVenue
123/09/2016A.Pradeep Ist year MBBS(2015-
16 batch)
Study on SitusInversus39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
223/09/2016B.KhaavyaGiant Bladder Calculus
– A cadaveric Report
39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
323/09/2016Harini GOmohyoid With Variations and Aberrant External Jugular Vein39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
423/09/2016Aishwary RameshPolycystic Kidney39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
523/09/2016M.V.VinithDextrocardia39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
624/09/2016Deepak ChanderStudies on Meckle’sDeverticulum39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
724/09/2016R.Uthaya SuryaImperforate Anus39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
824/09/2016R.Sri Siva ShylaStudy on left sided Gastronomies39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
924/09/2016E.ShehaPreethiTorus Mandibular is39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1024/09/2016D.SaiKavyaFibroids in Uterus – A case Repots39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1124/09/2016Vani KrishnaPancreatic Divisum- A rare Case Report.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1224/09/2016S.Surya KumarStudy on Golderhar Syndrome39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1324/09/2016V.SabariStudy on Anencephaly39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1424/09/2016S,Sddarth Vincent RajStudy on Femur –Neck Shaft Angle39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1524/09/2016S.SriSahasrajithaElongated Styloid Process39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1624/09/2016SiddharthiniBody Position Affecting the spine and discs39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1724/09/2016R.MonihaSleep well??39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1824/09/2016VeenaKrishanaAccessory Tendon And Tripartite Insertion Pattern Of FibularisLongus Muscle. A Case Report.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1924/09/2016Jesvanthan .ESpina Bifida39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2024/09/2016PriyankaMorphology of Suprascapular Notch39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2124/09/2016K.GaneshTracheal Agenesis39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2224/09/2016K.ManikandanBilateral Renal Agenesis39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2324/09/2016B.PushpapriyaUnilateral Double Axillary and Double Brachial Arteries.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2424/09/2016N.PavithraHorse Shoe Kidney39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu SBMCHSBMCH
2525/09/2016S.A.Bavatharini2D:4D ratio and dominant personalityInternational conference In Anatomy. Colloquium On Comparative
,Congenital & Clinical Anatomy
2617/06/2017S.Kanakavalli Ist year MBBS(2016-
Last Straw- Moya Moya DiseaseAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2717/06/2017Nishanth NarayanRelationship Between Stress, Anxiety And DepressionAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2817/06/2017MadhumithaParv athiEndoscopic Closure of Bilateral Middle Cranial Fossa FractureAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2917/06/2017Apparanjitha V RamanaFehr’s SyndromeAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH

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