1 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, arghwadarishtam. | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi, Sruthi Dinakar. | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy. | 12(3) | :1111-
1114 |
2 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, khadirarishtam. | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi. | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy, | 12(2): | 535-
540 |
3 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, vasakadyaristam.
, | Muttevi Hyagreva Kumar, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, Arun Kumar S. | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy | 12(2) | 569-
573 |
4 | The gc ms studies of one ayurvedic medicine, amritarishtam.: | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi. | Research
J. Pharm. and Tech, | 12(1) | 351 |
5 | Extraction of Phytochemical Constituents from the root of Eclipta alba through gas chromatography- mass spectrometry procedure. | Dr.M.Kavimani. | | | |
6 | Preliminary Phytochemical analysis of leaf extract of one medicinal plant premna tomentosa. – | Dr.M.Kavimani. | | 9(1) | 271-
274. |
7 | A study of serosal covering of the appendix | Dr.D.Sree Lakha | JCDR | | |
8 | A study on mandibular parameters of forensic significance | Dr.D.Sree Lakha | .JASI | | |
9 | Neuroprotective efficacy of withaferin a on aging mediated oxidative stress in striatum and Substantia nigra of wistar albino rat . | Mohammad Raziya Banu, Muhammed Ibrahim, K Prabhu, Srinivasagam Rajasankar | Drug Invention today | vol 12 issue 3 | 425- 431 |
10 | Demethoxycurcu min ameliorates rotenone-induced toxicity in rats.e, | Muthu Ramkumar, Srinivasagam Rajasankar, Wms Johnson, K Prabhu, Veerappan Venkatesh Gopi | Frontiers in Bioscienc e | 11, 1- | 11 |
11 | Antiapoptotic role of Agaricus blazel extract in rodent model of Parkinson’s disease. | Veerappan Venkatesh Gopi, Srinivasagam Rajasankar, Wms Johnson, K Prabhu, Muthu Ramkumar | Frontiers in Bioscienc e.Elite, | 11 | 12-19. |
12 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, arghwadarishtam. | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi, Sruthi Dinakar | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy. | 12(3) | 1111-
1114 |
13 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, khadirarishtam : | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi | .Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy, | 12(2) | 535-
540 |
14 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, vasakadyaristam.
, | Muttevi Hyagreva Kumar, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, Arun Kumar S | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy, | 12(2): | 569-
573 |
15 | The GC MS study of one ayurvedic medicine , Amritarishtam.): | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampad Shil, N. Vijayalakshmi | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy | 12(1 | 351-
356. |
16 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one ayurvedic pain relieving oil “Mahamasha Thailam_ | Hassan Mohammad, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sruthi Dinakar,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi | .Drug Invention Today | ”12(7) | 687_R A |
17 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one ayurvedic pain | Hassan Mohammad, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi | Drug Invention Today | DIT_19
_ | 686_R A |
| relieving oil ““Karpooradi Thailam. | Sundram, Sruthi Dinakar,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi | | | |
18 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of leaf extract of one herbal plant, Tarenna asiatica (L.) | Hassan Mohammad, N. Vijayalakshmi, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
K. Prabhu, M. Sathish Kumar, | .Drug Invention Today | DIT_12 (7)_ | 19_658
_RA |
19 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, | Muttevi Hyagreva Kumar, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampad Shil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi | Aristolochi a indica.Dru g Invention Today | DIT19_ 12(7) | 682_R A |
20 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, Dodonaea viscosa var.
Angustifolia._ | Muttevi Hyagreva Kumar, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampad Shil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi | Drug Invention Today | DIT_19
_12(7) | 683_R A |
21 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, Stachytarpheta indica | R. Yuvaraj, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
K. Prabhu, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampad Shil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi | .Drug Invention Today | DIT_19 12(7)_ | _684_ RA |
22 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, anu thailam.drug inventory today | G.
Sivakumaran1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6shruthi Dinakar7, Vijayalakshmi N8 | | | |
23 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, drakshadi kashayam.drug inventory today | Narayanan G1, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Kamala Kannan4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5, Shruthi Dinakar6, Vijayalakshmi N7. | | | |
24 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic skin oil, eladi kera thailam.drug inventory today | Muttevihyagrev a Kumar1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Shanthi B4, Kavimani M5, Shruti Dinakar6, Lakshmi Sundaram R7, Vijayalakshmi N8, Sampad Shil9 | | | |
25 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, ksheerabala thailam.drug inventory today | G.
Sivakumaran1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6vijayala kshmi N8 | | | |
26 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, ksheerabala thailam.drug inventory today | G.
Sivakumaran1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6vijayala kshmi N8 | | | |
27 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, kutajarishtam.dru g inventory today | Narayanan G1, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Kamala Kannan4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5, Shruthi Dinakar6,Vijay alakshmi N7 | | | |
28 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic antiobesity medicine, lohasava.drug inventory today | G.
Narayanan1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6, Vijayalakshmi N7 | | | |
29 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, mustakarishtam.d rug inventory today | G.
Narayanan1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6shruthi Dinakar7, Vijayalakshmi N8 | | | |
30 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, mustakarishtam.d rug inventory today | G.
Narayanan1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6vijayala kshmi N7 | | | |
31 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, triphaladi thailam.drug inventory today | G.
Sivakumaran1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. Rahul Ulhas,6vijayala kshmi N8 | | | |
32 | Antioxidant studies of one ayurvedic medicine, mahanarayana.D RUG INVENTORY TODAY | G.
Narayanan1, K Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao3*, Sumathi Jones4, Lakshmi Sundaram R5,
V. RahulUlhas,6shruthi Dinakar7, Vijayalakshmi N8 | | | |
| | Ulhas,6shruthi Dinakar7, Vijayalakshmi N8 | | | |
33 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry analysis of one Ayurvedic medicine, dasanakantichurn am. | D. Sharmla1, G. Sivakumaran2, S. Kamalishwari1,
K. Prabhu2, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao1*,
S. Parijatham3, Shruti Dinakar4, R. Lakshmi Sundaram5. | | | |
34 | Neuroprotective efficacy of withaferina on aging mediated oxidative stress in striatum and Substantia nigra of wistar albino rat. | Mohammad Raziyabanu, Muhammed Ibrahim, K Prabhu, Srinivasagamr ajasankar. | | vol12, issue 3 | 425- 431 |
35 | Ameliorative Effect of Withaferin A on Ageing-Mediated Impairment in the Dopamine System and Its Associated Behavior of Wistar Albino Rat | Mohammad Raziyabanu, Muhammed Ibrahim, K Prabhu, Srinivasagamrajasankar. | Pharmacology | volume 10(3) | , 114-119 |
36 | Preliminary phytochemical and gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant Carissa carandas. | Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
G. Anisha, K. Prabhu, Sampadshil, N. Vijayalakshmi. | DIT | volume 12(8) | 1629 –
1634. |
37 | Demethoxycurcu min ameliorates rotenone-induced toxicity in rats. 1- 11. | Muthu Ramkumar, Srinivasagamr ajasankar, Wms Johnson, K Prabhu, Veerappanven kateshgopi. | Frontiers in Bioscienc e, | Elite, 11, | |
38 | Antiapoptotic role of Agaricusblazel extract in rodent model of Parkinson’s disease . , | Veerappanven kateshgopi, Srinivasagamr ajasankar, Wms Johnson, K Prabhu, Muthu Ramkumar. | Frontiers in Bioscienc e, | Elite, 11 | 12-19. |
39 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, arghwadarishtam. | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampadshil, N. Vijayalakshmi, Sruthidinakar | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy. | 12(3) | :1111-
1114 |
40 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, khadirarishtam. | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampadshil, N. Vijayalakshmi. | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy, | 12(2): | , 535-
540 |
41 | The gc ms study of one ayurvedic medicine, vasakadyaristam. | Muttevihyagrev a Kumar, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampadshil, Arun Kumar S. | Research J of Pharmacy and Technolo gy, 2 | 12(2): | 569-
573 |
42 | The gc ms studies of one ayurvedic medicine, amritarishtam.): | Hassan Mohammad, Prabhu K, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
R. Lakshmi Sundaram, Sampadshil, N. Vijayalakshmi. | Research
J. Pharm. and Tech, | ;12(1 | 351-
356. |
43 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one ayurvedic pain relieving oil “mahamashathail am”. | Hassan Mohammad, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sruthidinakar,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi. | DIT – , | volume 12(7) | 1524 –
1527. |
44 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one ayurvedic pain relieving oil ““karpooradithaila m.druginvention . | Hassan Mohammad, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sruthidinakar,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi . | DIT – | volume 12(7), | 1542 –
1547. |
45 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of leaf extract of one herbal plant, Tarennaasiatica (L.). | Hassan Mohammad, N. Vijayalakshmi, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
K. Prabhu, M. Sathish Kumar. | DIT – | volume 12(7), | 658 |
46 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, Aristolochiaindica
. | Muttevihyagrev a Kumar, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampadshil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi. | DIT – | volume 12(12), | 2919 –
2923. |
47 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, Dodonaeaviscosa var. Angustifolia. | Muttevihyagrev a Kumar, K. Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampadshil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi. | DIT , | -volume 12(7) | 1657 –
1661. |
48 | The gas chromatography– mass spectrometry study of one medicinal plant, Stachytarphetain dica. | R. Yuvaraj, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao,
K. Prabhu, Lakshmi Sundram, Sampadshil,
M. Sathish Kumar, N. Vijayalakshmi. | DIT – , . | volume 12(8) | 1665 –
1669 |
49 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, anu thailam. | G.
Sivakumaran, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Sumathi Jones, Lakshmi Sundaram R,
V. Rahul Ulhas, Shruthidinakar, Vijayalakshmi. | DIT – | volume 11(10), | 2675 –
2679. |
50 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, drakshadi kashayam. . | Narayanan G, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Kamala Kannan, Lakshmi Sundaram R, Shruthidinakar, Vijayalakshmi N | DIT – , | volume 11(10) | 2652 –
2656 |
51 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic skin oil, eladi kera thailam. | Muttevihyagrev a Kumar, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Shanthi B, Kavimani M, Shrutidinakar, Lakshmi Sundaram R , Vijayalakshmi N, Sampadshil. | Journal of Public Health Research
& Developm ent, | | |
52 | Working Posture among Bank Employees in Chennai: A Cross Sectional studyindian | W.M.S.
Johnson , Archana R. , Jinu Merlin Koshy | | 10(11): | 2830-
2837 |
53 | A study on thoracic splanchnic nerves: Anatomo- | N
Esakkiamma, Wms Johnson, Ms Arathi, R | Journal of the Anatomic al Society | 68 (3) | 22168(
3):221 |
| surgical appraisal | Archana | of India , | | |
54 | Adolescents in an Urban Area of Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. | K Prabhu, Archana Rajasundaram Pattern Of Depression Amon | Indian Journal of Public Health Research
& Developm ent | | |
55 | Proliferative Marker in Thyroid Lesions | K Prabhu, Archana Rajasundaram, S Jayakumari, G Durga Deviki | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | 10(11):
3911 –
3916 | 3911 –
3916 |
56 | International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences – | Dr.M.Kavimani. Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis Of Leaf Extract Of One Medicinal Plant Premnatoment osa. | IJPBS, | | 271-
274. |
57 | Extraction of Phytochemical Constituents from the root of Ecliptaalba through gas chromatography- mass spectrometry procedure. | Dr.M.
Kavimani. | Int.Res.P harm.Sci., | 10(2). | ,1238-
1242 |
58 | : A Cross Sectional studyindian Online ISSN : 9765506 | Working Posture Among Bank Employees In Chennai | Journal of Public Health Research & Development | Volume 10 issue | 112830 ISSN :9760245 |
59 | Xylene potential health hazard review 122251 2255print issn : 0976 0245. Online issn : 9765506 | | India Journal of Public Health Reserach & Development | Volume 10 issue | |
60 | Occupational Hazards of Xylene and its Preventive Measures Print ISSN : 09760245. Online ISSN : 09765506 | | Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development | Volume 10 issue | 1222602264 |
61 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, ksheerabala thailam. -, | G.Sivakumara n, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Sumathi Jones, Lakshmi Sundaram R,
V. Rahul Ulhas,Vijayalak shmi N. | DIT | volume 11(10) | 2661 –
2665. |
62 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic medicine, kutajarishtam. – , | Narayanan G, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Kamala Kannan, Lakshmi Sundaram R, Shruthidinakar, Vijayalakshmi N. | DIT | volume 11(10) | 2666 –
2669. |
63 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic antiobesity medicine, lohasava. , | G. Narayanan, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Sumathi Jones, Lakshmi Sundaram R,
V. Rahul Ulhas, Vijayalakshmi N. | DIT – | volume 11(10) | 2671 –
2674. |
64 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic antiobesity medicine, lohasava. – | G. Narayanan, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Sumathi Jones, Lakshmi Sundaram R,
V. Rahul Ulhas, Vijayalakshmi N. | DIT | volume 11(10), | 2671 –
2674. |
65 | Gc ms analysis of one ayurvedic oil, triphaladi thailam. | G.
Sivakumaran, K Prabhu, Mudiganti Ram Krishna Rao, Sumathi Jones, Lakshmi Sundaram R,
V. Rahul Ulhas,Vijayalak shmi N. | DIT -, | volume 11(10) | 2679 –
268. |
66 | Assessment of nephroprotective potential of ethanolic extract premnatomentos a (EPT) in alcohol toxicity in male albino rats , | T Gomathi , K Prabhu | Internatio nal Journal of Research In Pharmace utical Sciences, | 12(2) | 1 to 5 |
67 | Lipid Lowering and Hepatoprotective Activity of premnatomentos a Leaf Extract (EPT) against Alcohol Induced Toxicity in Rats . | T Gomathi , K Prabhu | Internatio nal Journal of Research In Pharmace utical Sciences | | |
68 | Clinical Implications in Orbital and Pterional Flap Surgeries as Well as Radioimaging Studies to Determine Topographical Prevalence and Characterization of Meningo-orbitalint. | Mv Mahajan, A Anupriya, Gd Devi, Na Tanna, Nr Mudiraj, S Das | j.morphol | | 1810-1817 |
69 | A Study of Variations in the Position of Fundus and Peritoneal Reflections of Gall Bladder,. ., . | D. Sreelekha1, S Swayam jothi Dorairaj2, Rajeswar Rao3, K Maheswari4 | Internatio nal Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery | Vol- 8(1): | AO11- AO14 |
70 | A study of Variations in the Position of Fundus and Peritoneal Reflections of gall bladder, . | D. Sreelekha1, Sswayam Jothi Dorairaj, Rajeswar Rao, Kmaheswari. | Internatio nal Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and surgery | Vol-8 (1) | A011 – A014. |