Department of Orthopaedics

About the Department / Program

To know the science behind something, understand it and solve the problems associated with it is one of the most important lessons one would learn. Learning is a process, when it comes to orthopedics it’s even more true.

It requires a great deal of patience to unlock the treatment sequence. The treatment plan can take upto several days to months. Following up on the condition of the patient for the further assessment is as crucial as performing the treatment on it.

With the right mentors and doctors to guide you through every turn of your practice journey, you can learn to collaboratively work with your staff and document your results. Involve in the research programs, upskill yourself constantly and ask doubts to get better understanding, we provide assistance always.

We allow students to practice in a laboratory, equip their knowledge with access to the library with up-to-date books, journals, and periodicals. Regular practical assignments that let them practice different skills and strengthen their theoretical knowledge

We have wheelchair access to old age, disable patients to consult our proficient doctors. We know how difficult it is to live with any pain involving joints. We are here to diagnose, treat and care for your condition. We have specialized training doctors who are excellent at their work.

We have done multiple surgeries and have a great success rate. We provide awareness, precautions and necessary options to reduce your pain and reverse your conditions. We treat patients from 8 a.m to 4 p.m. We have extremely focused doctors delivering the right patient management

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