Minutes of Meeting

1). To develop, improve and focus in the Institutional functioning towards creation, sustenance and augmentation of quality in every sphere of Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital.
2). To facilitate and integrate various academic activities of the Institution and to institutionalise the best practices.
3). To Disseminate information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
4). To deliver sound basis for decision making imbibing all magnitudes of quality service to improve Institutional functioning.
5). To coordinate internal communication to expedite greater policy implementation and quality assurance towards its stakeholders.

Team Members

SI.NOName of the FacultyDesignationNominated as
1.Dr. W.M.S. JohnsonDeanChairperson
2.Dr. Archana RajasundaramProfessor of AnatomyCoordinator
3.Dr. M. R. Renuka DeviVice Principal , SBMCHMember
4.Dr. P. SasikumarMedical SuperintendentEmployer - Nominee
5.Dr. D. Manoharan Deputy Medical Superintendent &
Professor of DVL
6.Dr. Priscilla JohnsonProf and HOD of Physiology SRIHER Expert Nominee from local society
7.Dr. G. Priyanka Asst. Prof of PhysiologyMember Secretary
8.Dr. Vikram ChellakumarAssoc. Prof. of OphthalmologyMember
9.Dr. V. S. KalaiselviProfessor of Biochemistry / Library InchargeMember
10.Dr. A. MadhukarProf. of OrthopaedicsMember for Research Consultancy
11.Dr. G. SukanyaAsst. Professor of DermatologyMember for Intrastructure &
learning Research
12.Dr. R. SumithaProf. of ENTMember for Research Consultancy
13.Dr. S. SureshkannaAssoc. Prof. of General MedicineMember for Research Consultancy
14.Dr. P. SubhashiniAssoc. Prof. of PathologyMember for Governance Leadership Management
15.Dr. G. Durga DeviProf. of Anatomy / MEU CoordinatorMember for Innovation and Best Practices
16.Dr. R. RamyaAsst. Prof of PaediatricsMember for Infrastructure & learning Research
17.Dr. K. Bharathi RajaAsst. Prof of General SurgeryMember for Teaching Learning Evaluation
18.Dr. N. Kannan Assoc. Prof of AnaesthesiologyMember for Student Support
19.Dr. P. VelusamyProfessorMember
20.Mr. M. JagadesanMember from ManagementNominee
21.Mr. B J Ferdin BenyFinal Year StudentStudent Nominee
22.Dr. S. Shenbaga LalithaAsst. Prof of BiochemistryAlumini Nominee
23.Mrs. K. Uma ChandrikaOffice Superintendent Dean officeMember
24.Mrs. T. Kanniammal Junior AssistantMember
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