Medical Educational Unit

About the Department

The Department of Medical Education has been established in the year 2010 as per the directions of Medical Council of India as per the regulations 1997.

Salient Features

  1. To provide oversight on the educational activities of the medical college (UG &PG).
  2. To ensure continuous quality improvement in Medical education.
  3. To plan, implement and evaluate curricular development and faculty development in the medical college in alignment with the Medical Council of India initiatives.
  4. To ensure curriculum development through the curriculum committee.
  5. To ensure Faculty development by conducting Faculty development programmes and workshops through the Faculty development committee.
  6. To sensitize and facilitate Information and Communication technology integration in the medical curriculum.
  7. To help develop specialized educational labs, like Skills lab, Simulation Centre, Communication labs etc
  8. To keep the medical college updated of the current trends in Medical education by conducting journal clubs, workshops and conferences.

Our Mission

The mission is to excel as a center of student centric learning, preparing students for academic pursuits, medical professional training, extending frontiers of knowledge through relevant interdisciplinary research, fostering an intellectual culture that bridges basic science and clinical medicine, contributing to the enhancement of health of humanity.

Our Vision

The vision is to impart comprehensive knowledge of the gross, microscopic structure and development of human body to provide a foundation, for understanding the anatomical basis of various clinical conditions and to promote research.

Our Academics

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Team Members

1Dr. W. M.S. Johnson, MD, PhD
2Dr.M.R.Renuka Devi, MDVice Principal
3Dr. G. Durga Devi, MD
Professor of Anatomy
4Dr.J.Thanka, MDMember Secretary & Professor of Pathology
5Dr.P.Sasikumar,MSProfessor of General Surgery
6Dr.P.R.Devaki, MDProfessor & HOD of Physiology
7Dr.Arul Amutha Elizabeth,MDProfessor & HOD of Pharmacology
8Dr.I.Glory Josephine,MDProfessor of Pharmacology
9Dr.Chitralekha Saikumar,MDProfessor & HOD of Microbiology
10Dr.V.Padma,MDProfessor of General Medicine
11Dr.R.Praveena,MDProfessor of Microbiology
12Dr.B.V.Sreedevi,MSProfessor of General Surgery
13Dr.Farhana Rahman.MDProfessor of Pharmacology
14Dr.Shanthi Ramesh,MDProfessor of Paediatrics
15Dr.Krishnaveni Sharath,MDAssociate Professor of Anatomy
16Dr.Sai Sudha Mudda,MDAssistant Professor of Pathology
17Dr.P.Subhashini,MDAssociate Professor of Pathology
18Dr.Thatiparthi Stephan,MDAssociate Professor of Community Medicine
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