Minutes of Meeting

The mortality committee is constituted to improve the quality of treatment thereby preventing the death to some extent and reviews mortalities in the hospital. The committee is to analyze preventable causes of death in order to decrease the death rate. The Committee recommend actions for improvement and evaluates them effectiveness.

Team Members

S.NoDateStudent NameTopic AwardsVenue
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
Mortality Committee2024202320222021202020192018
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