Minutes of Meeting

1). To make the best use of medicine for the treatment or prevention of disease
2). To collect, detect , access, monitor, and prevent adverse effects of drugs
3). To create awareness among health worker and public regarding reporting of adverse drug reaction and drug safety
4). To create development safety update (DSRUs) for drugs in clinical research and periodic benefits – risk evaluation reports (PBRER) for drugs that are on the market

Team Members

SI.NOName Designation
1.DR. WMS. JohnsonDean
2.Dr. M.R. Renuka DeviVice Prinicipal
3.Dr.Glory josphineProf of Pharmacology
4.Dr.N.N.AnandProfessor & HOD of General Medicine
5.Dr.R.S.RavikumarProfessor of General Surgery
6.Dr.K.VaniProfessor & HOD of OBG
7.Dr.S.SundariProf. & HOD of Peadiatrics
8.Dr.K.ManoharanProf & HOD Dermatology
9.Dr.Priya Sivashankar
Prof. Vijay Narasimman Reddy
Professor of Orthopeadics
10.Dr.Arul Amutha Elizabeth Prof & HOD of Pharmacology
11.Dr.Farhana RahmanProfessor of Pharmacology

Minutes Of Meeting

Pharmacovigilance Committee Minutes2024202320222021202020192018
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