Minutes of Meeting

This committee takes responsibility of developing and periodically reviewing the organization wide quality improvement programme. The committee generally works as an apex conimittee for a hospital preparing for accreditation

Team Members

S.NoDateStudent NameTopic AwardsVenue
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
101/09/2021Govind RamasamyFundamentals of AnatomyBest Scholar of the YearAuditorium 2
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