Minutes of Meeting

1).To facilitate legitimate scientific research
2).To involve experiments on animals ensuring ethical use of animals so that they are not subjected to pain and sufferings.
3).To ensure that animals’ intrinsic value was respected
4).To ensure that animal in research are based on the principles of 4Rs such as Replacement, Reduction, Refinement and Rehabilitation

Team Members

Dr. W.M.S. Johnson Chairman
Dr. Farhana RahmanScientist & Member Secretary
Dr. S. ParijathamScientist
Dr. K. RaveendranVeterinarian
Dr. Meenakshi SundaramMain Nominee from the CPCSEA
Dr. S. VairamuthuLink Nominee from the CPCSEA
Dr. Vasanthi Balan Scientist from outside the Institute
Shri. C. Ronald DarwinSocially aware Nominee

Minutes Of Meeting

Animal Ethical Committee202420232021
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