Chennai Chest Premier League – 2022
Dept. of Respiratory Medicine & Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre organised an International Conference on Interventional Pulmonology on 05 & 06.11.2022. Topics & Speakers: Introduction to Medical Thoracoscopy- Dr.Soumitra Sinha Roy. Thoracic Ultrasound – A Pulmonologist’s need of the hour- Dr.Richa Gupta, Medical Thoracoscopy Where to place in new BTS guidelines- Dr.Mohammed Munavvar. Live […]
Spirometry Workshop
Department of Respiratory Medicine conducted spirometry workshop on 18.10.2022. Spirometry is the most common of the pulmonary function tests, measuring lung function specifically the amount or flow of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is an important tool used for assessing conditions such as asthma, COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. Unlike other tests, spirometry […]
World NO Tobacco Day
Marathon Event By Dept Of Respiratory Medicine