Minutes of Meeting

College of Medicine Curriculum Committee ensures that students learn the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to progress to residency training, oversees the medical education program as a whole and has responsibility for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated curriculum

Team Members

Prof. Dr.W.M.S.Johnson -Dean, SBMCH
Prof. Dr. M.R. Renuka Devi Vice Principal , SBMCH
Prof. Dr.B. Shanthi Prof. & HOD , Biochemistry
Prof. Dr. S. Gopalakrishnan Professor of Community Medicine
Prof. Dr. P.SasikumarMedical Superintendent, SBMCH
Prof. Dr. P. R. DevakiProf & HOD, Physiology
Prof.Dr. R. Umadevi Prof & HOD, Community Medicine
Dr. K. DineshAssoc. Professor, Microbiology
Dr. Archana Rajasundaram Professor of Anatomy
Dr. A. Jamuna Rani Professor of Biochemistry
Dr. J. Danti Asst Prof of Physiology

Minutes Of Meeting

Curriculum Committee202420232022202120202019
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