Department of Anatomy

Student Achievements

S.NoDateStudent NameTopicAwardsVenue
123/09/2016A.Pradeep Ist year MBBS(2015-
16 batch)
Study on SitusInversus39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
223/09/2016B.KhaavyaGiant Bladder Calculus
– A cadaveric Report
39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
323/09/2016Harini GOmohyoid With Variations and Aberrant External Jugular Vein39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
423/09/2016Aishwary RameshPolycystic Kidney39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
523/09/2016M.V.VinithDextrocardia39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
624/09/2016Deepak ChanderStudies on Meckle’sDeverticulum39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
724/09/2016R.Uthaya SuryaImperforate Anus39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
824/09/2016R.Sri Siva ShylaStudy on left sided Gastronomies39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
924/09/2016E.ShehaPreethiTorus Mandibular is39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1024/09/2016D.SaiKavyaFibroids in Uterus – A case Repots39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1124/09/2016Vani KrishnaPancreatic Divisum- A rare Case Report.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1224/09/2016S.Surya KumarStudy on Golderhar Syndrome39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1324/09/2016V.SabariStudy on Anencephaly39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1424/09/2016S,Sddarth Vincent RajStudy on Femur –Neck Shaft Angle39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1524/09/2016S.SriSahasrajithaElongated Styloid Process39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1624/09/2016SiddharthiniBody Position Affecting the spine and discs39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1724/09/2016R.MonihaSleep well??39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1824/09/2016VeenaKrishanaAccessory Tendon And Tripartite Insertion Pattern Of FibularisLongus Muscle. A Case Report.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
1924/09/2016Jesvanthan .ESpina Bifida39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2024/09/2016PriyankaMorphology of Suprascapular Notch39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2124/09/2016K.GaneshTracheal Agenesis39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2224/09/2016K.ManikandanBilateral Renal Agenesis39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2324/09/2016B.PushpapriyaUnilateral Double Axillary and Double Brachial Arteries.39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil NaduSBMCH
2424/09/2016N.PavithraHorse Shoe Kidney39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu SBMCHSBMCH
2525/09/2016S.A.Bavatharini2D:4D ratio and dominant personalityInternational conference In Anatomy. Colloquium On Comparative
,Congenital & Clinical Anatomy
2617/06/2017S.Kanakavalli Ist year MBBS(2016-
Last Straw- Moya Moya DiseaseAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2717/06/2017Nishanth NarayanRelationship Between Stress, Anxiety And DepressionAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2817/06/2017MadhumithaParv athiEndoscopic Closure of Bilateral Middle Cranial Fossa FractureAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
2917/06/2017Apparanjitha V RamanaFehr’s SyndromeAnatomy National Conference.RAENACO N-2017SBMCH
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