Curriculum Committees

Minutes of Meeting

College of Medicine Curriculum Committee ensures that students learn the requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors to progress to residency training, oversees the medical education program as a whole and has responsibility for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated curriculum

Team Members

1.Prof. Dr.W.M.S.JohnsonVice Principal & Prof. & HOD, Anatomy
2.Prof. Dr. M.R. Renuka Devi Prof. & HOD, Physiology, Convener
3.Prof. Dr.B. Shanthi Prof. & HOD , Biochemistry
4.Prof. Dr. S. GopalakrishnanProf. & HOD, Community Medicine
5.Prof. Dr. P.SasikumarProfessor, General Surgery
6.Prof. Dr. P. R. Devaki Professor of Physiology
7.Prof.Dr. R. Umadevi Professor, Community Medicine
8.Dr. K. DineshAssoc. Professor, Microbiology
9.Dr. Archana Rajasundaram Assoc. Professor, Anatomy
10.Dr. A. Jamuna RaniAssoc. Professor, Biochemistry
11.Dr. J. DantiTutor, Physiology
12.Prof. Dr.W.MS .JohnsonVice Principal & Prof. & HOD, Anatomy
13.Dr. Shanthi Ramesh Assoc. Professor, Paediatrics, Convener
14.Prof. Dr. B. Shanthi Prof. & HOD , Biochemistry
15.Prof. Dr. M.R. Renuka DeviProf. & HOD, Physiology
16.Prof. Dr. N.N.AnandProf. & HOD, General Medicine
16.Prof. Dr. K. KuberanProfessor, General Surgery
17.Prof. Dr. K. SaraswathyProf. & HOD, OBG
18.Prof. Dr. S. SivakumarProfessor, Orthopaedics
19.Prof.Dr.V. Rajalakshmi Professor, Pathology
20.Dr. S. ParijathamAsst. Prof., Physiology
21.Dr. P. SubhashiniAsst. Professor, Pathology , Convener
22.Prof. Dr. I. Glory JosephineProfessor, Pharmacology
23.Dr. B.V. Sreedevi Professor, General Surgery
24.Dr. G. Durgadevi Asso. Professor, Anatomy
25.Dr. M.K. AnbumozhiAsst. Professor, Pathology
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