Department of Anatomy

About the Department / Program

The Department of Anatomy is one of the Basic Science Departments of Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital, established in the year 2003. In the beginning only MBBS course was handled with student intake of 100. From the academic year 2013 -2014, the student intake was raised to 150 students, and in the consecutive year the student strength increased to 250 per year. Later in 2006 MSc Anatomy, MSc Neuroanatomy and PhD courses were started followed by MD Anatomy, in 2009.
The Department includes 14 faculty members, of which 6 have competed their Ph.D. There are 3 internal candidates persuing their PhD in Anatomy. We have an annual intake of 250 MBBS students. The thrust areas in research include histogenesis, morphology, morphometry, comparative anatomy, clinical Anatomy and Neurocognitive-science.The Department collaborated with Anna University in mathematical model of biological data.

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