Department of Biochemistry

About the Department / Program

The department of Biochemistry is well equipped with all the facilities to teach both the undergraduate & postgraduate students, the basic and clinical biochemistry. Biochemistry syllabus encompasses basic and clinical Biochemistry with special emphasis on applied aspects. Sree Balaji Medical College and Hospital started in the year 2003. The department of Biochemistry is located in the first floor of the college building. It has separate rooms for HOD, Professors, Assistant professors, post graduate students and other technical staff. There are 4 separate demonstration rooms for students. The Department is equipped with research laboratory to cater the research activities for both under graduates and post graduates as per the MCI norms. Department also has a Student’s Practical laboratory accommodating 80 students at a time. Students learning and research is encouraged through problem-based learning, student seminar, poster and seminar presentation, projects, invited guest lectures on recent clinical research. The department has spacious departmental library to cater to the undergraduate and post graduate students. We have 176 book, 5 journals and 16 E-journals in ProQuest database. The department also has all the facilities for doing research projects. This is a postgraduate department with intake of 3 students per year. PhD program are also undertaken in this department.
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